Research Article

Cervical Cancer Cell Line Secretome Highlights the Roles of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta-Induced Protein ig-h3, Peroxiredoxin-2, and NRF2 on Cervical Carcinogenesis

Figure 6

Confirmation of the IPA-predicted NRF2 activation in cancer cell lines by Western blot. Western blot analysis with NRF2-specific antibody in four different cell extracts per cell line (SiHa, HeLa, C33A, and HCK1T), corresponding to four biological replicates. Twenty μg was loaded. (a) A protein band of 70 kDa corresponding to NRF2 is detected. Immunoblotting for α-tubulin (50 kDa) was applied to ensure the comparable loading of proteins in each lane. Fold expression of NRF2 was assessed relative to HCK1T. (b) The mean NRF2 values for SiHa, HeLa, and C33A were (), (), and () compared to HCK1T, respectively. Representative images of two biological replicates are shown for each cell line. Graphical representation of densitometry analysis of the results (mean ± SD) is also shown (, Student’s t-test).