Research Article

Cervical Cancer Cell Line Secretome Highlights the Roles of Transforming Growth Factor-Beta-Induced Protein ig-h3, Peroxiredoxin-2, and NRF2 on Cervical Carcinogenesis

Table 2

Ingenuity pathway analysis-prediction of canonical pathways. Top canonical pathways and involved molecules as predicted by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Canonical pathways are classified according to value (Fisher’s exact test).

Canonical pathwayspMolecules (gene name)

Glycolysis I7/25 (28%)PGK1, ENO1, TPI1, PGAM1, PKM, GAPDH, ALDOA
Unfolded protein response7/54 (13%)HSPA8, CALR, HSPA4, P4HB, HSPA1A/HSPA1B, VCP, HSPA5
Glyconeogenesis I5/25 (20%)PGK1, ENO1, PGAM1, GAPDH, ALDOA
Aldosterone signaling in epithelial cells7/152 (4.6%)HSPA8, HSPA4, HSP90AB1, PDIA3, HSPA1A/HSPA1B, HSPA5, HSPB1
NRF2-mediated oxidative stress response7/178 (3.9%)SOD2, PRDX1, ACTB, STIP1, VCP, ACTG1, GSTP1

r’s exact test was used to calculate a p value for each protein of the data set identified in the biological function studied, indicating the probability that each biological function assigned to the data set is not assigned by chance. Ratio of the canonical pathways is calculated based on the number of molecules from the input database divided by the total number of the molecules in the pathway that is predicted by IPA. Molecules participating in the important canonical pathways according to IPA analysis are listed by their gene names.