Research Article

Semiquantitative Evaluation of Extrasynovial Soft Tissue Inflammation in the Shoulders of Patients with Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Elderly-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis by Power Doppler Ultrasound

Figure 2

Illustrative ultrasound images for the four-point scale scoring of the hyperemia on the subscapularis tendon. Score 0 = absent or minimal flow (a), score 1 = single vessel dots (b), or confluent linear shape signals shorter than half the length of the region to be evaluated (c), score 2 = confluent linear shape signals longer than half the length of the region to be evaluated (d), or confluent zone shape signals shorter than half the length of the region to be evaluated (e), score 3 = confluent zone shape signals longer than half the length of the region to be evaluated (f). Double arrows indicate the length of the linear shape signals (c, d), or the length of the zone shape signals (e, f).