Research Article

MicroRNA Mediating Networks in Granulosa Cells Associated with Ovarian Follicular Development

Table 5

The top 5 GO terms enriched by the pivotal miRNAs.

Category1TermDescriptionCount2p value3

BPGO:0048598Embryonic morphogenesis34
GO:0035113Embryonic appendage morphogenesis16
GO:0030326Embryonic limb morphogenesis16
GO:0043009Chordata embryonic development31
GO:0009792Embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching31

CCGO:0005667Transcription factor complex19
GO:0044451Nucleoplasm part32
GO:0005626Insoluble fraction41
GO:0005624Membrane fraction39

MFGO:0003700Transcription factor activity53
GO:0016563Transcription activator activity28
GO:0030528Transcription regulator activity71
GO:0043565Sequence-specific DNA binding35
GO:0003705RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity,
enhancer binding

Notes. 1GO function category; 2the number of target genes involved in the GO terms. 3p values have been adjusted using the Benjamini–Hochberg method.
BP, biological process; CC, cellular component; MF, molecular function; GO: Gene Ontology.