Research Article

The Double Layer Methodology and the Validation of Eigenbehavior Techniques Applied to Lifestyle Modeling

Figure 9

Gamified illustration of distances between individuals. Individuals (a) and (b) are in the center of the dartboards. (a) is projected in group 1 (indicated by the red background); (b) is projected in group 0 (indicated by the blue background). Individuals belonging to group 1 and group 0 are represented by red and blue dots, respectively. Equally spaced rays represent distances of different subjects from the central subject ((a) or (b)). Gray concentric rings are equally spaced reference distances to facilitate distance perception (in each dartboard the distances between rings are the same). Green and black circles highlight the closest individuals, belonging to the same group or the other group, respectively.
(a) Individual from group 0 projected in group 1
(b) Individual from group 1 projected in group 0