Research Article

The Influence of Recognition and Social Support on European Health Professionals’ Occupational Stress: A Demands-Control-Social Support-Recognition Bayesian Network Model

Table 2

Comparison of the questions in the main models.

BN modelJCQ (Karasek et al. 1998)Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) instrument (Peter and Siegrist 1999)Job Demand and Resources (JD-R) (Demerouti et al. 2001)Job demands: psychological job demands, physical demands, and emotional demands (De Jonge et al. 1999)Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (Pejtersen et al. 2010)

Stress“Did you have any of the following health problems? hearing problems, skin problems, backache, muscular pains, headache, anxiety and overall fatigue”Psychosomatic health complaints, that is, “Do you have trouble with a headache in the last six months?”

Emotional demands“Please tell me, using the same scale, does your main paid job involve being in situation that is emotionally disturbing for you?”Emotional demands: “In my work, death, sickness or human suffering are very demanding”

Family demands“How often in the last 12 months have you found it difficult to concentrate on your job because of your family responsibilities?”“Do you feel that your private life takes so much of your energy that it has a negative effect on your work?”

Job demands“Does your job involve working at very high speed?”
“Does your job involve working to tight deadlines?”
2. Psychological job demands
“Work fast”
“No excessive work,” “enough time”
ER4 “I am often pressured to work overtime”
ERI1 “I have constant time pressure due to heavy work load”
Job demands 2-time pressure: “I always have enough time to perform my task”Psychological job demands: “In the unit where I work, work is carried out under pressure of time”

Control“Are you able to change your order of work?”
“Are you able to choose or change your speed or rate of work?”
1b. Decision authority
“A lot of say”
“Little decision freedom”
Job resources 3-job control: “I can decide myself how to performer my work”
Job resources 4-participation in decision-making: “Only the management decides what everybody has to do”
Job autonomy to determine a variety of task elements, like the method of working, the pace of work, and the work goals

Social support from colleagues“Your colleagues help and support you?”3b. Coworker social support
“Coworkers helpful,” “coworkers interested in me”
ERI 8 “I receive the respect I deserve from my colleagues”

Social support from the boss“Your manager helps and supports you?”
“Your direct supervisor respects you?”
“Your direct supervisor gives you praise and recognition when you do a good job?”
“Your direct supervisor is successful in getting
people to work together?”
“Your direct supervisor is helpful in getting the job done?”
“Your direct supervisor provides useful feedback on your work?”
“Your direct supervisor encourages and supports your development?”
3a. Supervisor social support
“Supervisor concerned”
“Hostile supervisor”
“Skills valuable” (5)
“Coworkers work together” (3b)
“Helpful supervisor”
“Supervisor pay attention”
“Career possibilities” (5)
ERI 9 “I experience adequate support in difficulty situations”
ERI 7 “I receive the respect I deserve from my superiors”
ERI 16 “Considering all my efforts and achievements, my work prospects are adequate”
Job resources 6-supervisor support: “My supervisor keeps distance from his/her employees”
Job resources 1- performance feedback: “I get enough feedback about the quality of my performance”

Recognition“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement about your job. I receive the recognition I deserve for my work”ERI 15 “Considering all my effort and achievements, I receive the respect and prestige I deserve at work”
ERI 10 “I am treated unfairly at work”
Job resources 2- rewards: “My performance is rewarded property”

Source: compiled by authors.