Research Article

Patients Admitted to Three Spanish Intensive Care Units for Poisoning: Type of Poisoning, Mortality, and Functioning of Prognostic Scores Commonly Used

Table 1

Basic demographic data.

Type of poisoning
 Drug overdose92 (77.3%)
 Alcohol20 (16.8%)
 Caustics11 (9.2%)
Attempted suicide78.3%
Glasgow Coma Scale at admission
Mechanical ventilation at admission69.7%
Predicted mortality by SAPS-326.98%
(general equation)
Predicted mortality by SAPS-327.78%
(Southern Europe, Mediterranean equation)
Predicted mortality by APACHE-II7.57%
Predicted mortality by APACHE-III8.15%
ICU mortality5.9%
Hospital mortality6.7%

patients (1.7%) had ingested drug overdose and caustics. 9 patients (7.6%) had ingested drug overdose and alcohol.
Note. Quantitative variables are expressed as mean ± standard deviation and median with interquartile range in brackets.