Review Article

Concentration-Response Relationship between PM2.5 and Daily Respiratory Deaths in China: A Systematic Review and Metaregression Analysis of Time-Series Studies

Box 1

Medline (Ovid).
Date of Search: 2016-09-16 Field labels:
Number of hits: 336 adj = within x words
exp = MeSH explode
.ti,ab,kf. = title, abstract & keyword
(1) exp Particulate Matter/
(2) Air Pollution/
(3) Air Pollutants/
(4) Inhalation Exposure/
(5) “pm2.5”.ti,ab,kf.
(6) (pm adj2 “2.5”).ti,ab,kf.
(7) ((air or atmospher) adj3 (pollut or quality or ambient)).ti,ab,kf.
(8) (particulate matter or ambient particulate or ultrafine particulate or ultrafine particle or ufp or coarse particle or dust
or smog).ti,ab,kf.
(9) or/(1)–(8)
(10) exp Respiratory Tract Diseases/
(11) (respirat or asthm or pneumo or lung or pulmonar or bronch or pleur or trache).ti,ab,kf.
(12) or/(10)-(11)
(13) exp Mortality/
(14) Mortality.fs.
(15) (mortal or fatal or death or dead).ti,ab,kf.
(16) or/(13)–(15)
(17) exp China/
(18) (china or chinese).ti,ab,kf.
(19) (guangzhou or shanghai or chongqing or beijing or peking or hangzhou or wuhan or chengdu or tianjin or xi’an or jinan
or shenzhen or nanjing or shenyang or harbin or shantou or suzhou or dongguan or wenzhou or qingdao or quanzhou).ti,ab,kf.
(20) or/(17)–(19)
(21) (9) and (12) and (16) and (20)
(22) remove duplicates from (21)