Research Article

Relationship between Undescended Testis Position and Prevalence of Testicular Appendices, Epididymal Anomalies, and Patency of Processus Vaginalis

Table 1

The table shows the relation between the presence of testicular appendix, the patency of the vaginal process, and the presence of epididymal anomaly in patients with cryptorchidism in relation to the position of the testis.

Testicular positionAppendices
Processus vaginalis
Epididymal anomalies

Abdominal (14—12.96%)9 (64.29%)/5 (33.71%)0 (0%)/14 (100%)7 (50%)/7 (50%)
Inguinal (81—75%)45 (55.66%)/36 (44.34%)29 (35.8%)/52 (64.2%)31 (38.27%)/50 (61.72%)
Suprascrotal (13—12.03%)13 (100%)/0 (0%)7 (53.84%)/6 (46.16%)1 (7.69%)/12 (92.30%)

Total (108—100%)67 (62.03%)/41 (37.97%)36 (33.34%)/72 (66.66%)39 (36.12%)/69 (63.88%)