Research Article

Quercetin Inhibits Pulmonary Arterial Endothelial Cell Transdifferentiation Possibly by Akt and Erk1/2 Pathways

Figure 3

Transdifferentiation of endothelial cells in the cells expressing α-SMA induced by TGF-β1, as detected by cell immunofluorescence. (a)(A) Blank control PAECs (4x); (a)(B) identification of human PAECs by immunofluorescence. Red staining represents FVIII (10x); (a)(C) blank control PAECs (10x); (a)(D) TGF-β1-induced PAECs. Green staining represents α-SMA (10x); (a)(E) TGF-β1 + quercetin-treated PAECs (10x); (b) conversion rate of PAECs in different groups ( per group), , the control group versus the TGF-β1-induced group and the TGF-β1-induced group versus the TGF-β1 + quercetin-treated group.