Review Article

Bioinformatics Genes and Pathway Analysis for Chronic Neuropathic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury

Table 3

The top 10 altered pathways of network analyses. The outdegree and indegree represent, respectively, the number of upstream and downstream signal pathways. The degree represents the sum of the outdegree and indegree. In the top 10 altered pathway interaction nets with 111 nodes and 404 relationships between each other, MAPK signaling pathway was the most important one with the largest degree (outdegree = 5, indegree = 39, and degree = 44).

Pathway IDPathway nameOutdegreeIndegreeDegreeRank

4010MAPK signaling pathway539441
5200Pathways in cancer280283
4110Cell cycle320234
4020Calcium signaling pathway514196
4115p53 signaling pathway217197
4310Wnt signaling pathway89178
4060Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction016169
620Pyruvate metabolism781510