Research Article

Aortic Arch Calcification as a Predictor of Repeated Arteriovenous Fistula Failure within 1-Year in Hemodialysis Patients

Table 3

Multivariate analysis (stepwise method) for the factors associated with the repeated arteriovenous fistula failure within 1 year after arteriovenous fistula creation.

ParameterComparisonOR (95%C.I.)p value

HemoglobinPer 0.16 mmol/L decrease0.147
Mean corrected calciumPer 0.25 mmol/L decrease1.77 (1.11–2.83)0.017
Mean serum albuminPer 10 g/L decrease2.48 (1.26–4.88)0.008
Aortic arch calcificationLower grade1
Higher grade2.98 (1.43–6.23)0.004

Abbreviations: OR = Odd ratio; C.I. = Confidence interval; Factor of hypertension was dropped out from analysis because of zero events in repeated arteriovenous fistula failure among patients without hypertension; Variables were dropped from the table if significant except for hemoglobin.