Research Article

Body Schema Illusions: A Study of the Link between the Rubber Hand and Kinesthetic Mirror Illusions through Individual Differences

Table 2

Bivariate correlations between illusion strength measures.

IllusionMeasureKinesthetic mirror illusionRubber hand illusion

Kinesthetic mirror illusionProprioceptive drift
Onset latency−.38
Subjective speed.58−.69
Composite index.81−.79.86

Rubber hand illusionProprioceptive drift.72−.34.39.61
Onset latency−.27.60−.57−.50−.21
Subjective intensity.25−.−.51
Composite index.55−.−.74.80

Note. PD = proprioceptive drift; OL = onset latency; SS = subjective speed; SI = subjective intensity; CI = composite index. Correlations were computed with Spearman’s rho. Significant correlations are in bold.