Clinical Study

The Efficacy of Single-Dose versus Double-Dose Praziquantel Treatments on Schistosoma mansoni Infections: Its Implication on Undernutrition and Anaemia among Primary Schoolchildren in Two On-Shore Communities, Northwestern Tanzania

Table 2

Cure rates of PZQ 40 mg/kg stratified by demographic characteristics and baseline infection intensity.

CharacteristicTreatment regimen
Single dose Double dose value
Treated ()Cured (%(95% CI))Treated ()Cured (%(95% CI))

Overall182125 (68.68 (61.90–75.46))174162 (93.10 (89.31–96.89))<0.001
 Male8966 (74.16 (64.94–83.69))8178 (96.30 (92.13–100))<0.001
 Female9359 (63.44 (53.54–73.35))9384 (90.32 (84.24–96.40))<0.001
 Kibuyi9661 (63.54 (53.80–73.28))8582 (96.47 (92.49–100))<0.001
 Busanga8664 (74.42 (65.08–83.76))8980 (89.89 (83.54–96.23))0.007
Age (years)
 6–93819 (50.00 (33.63–66.37))3938 (97.44 (92.33–100))<0.001
 10–128460 (71.43 (61.64–81.22))8781 (93.10 (87.71–98.49))<0.001
 13–166046 (76.67 (65.75–87.58))4843 (89.58 (80.75–98.41))0.080
 Light6447 (73.44 (62.41–84.46))4946 (93.88 (87.02–100))0.005
 Moderate8657 (66.28 (56.15–76.41))6663 (95.45 (90.35–100))<0.001
 Heavy3221 (65.63 (48.68–82.57))5953 (89.83 (81.95–97.72))0.005

values are based on chi-square statistic.