Clinical Study

Impact of Ospemifene on Quality of Life and Sexual Function in Young Survivors of Cervical Cancer: A Prospective Study

Table 1

Clinical data and disease characteristics of the study group.

Age (years)45.56 ± 5.44
 I (a, b)19 (36.5)
 IIa33 (63.5)
Time since diagnosis (months)74.63 ± 11.32
Treatment modality
 RH + BSO + PLND48 (92.3)
 RH + BSO + PLND + PALNS4 (7.7)
Physical comorbidity
 No39 (75.0)
 Yes13 (25.0)

RH: radical hysterectomy; BSO: bilateral salpingooophorectomy; PLND: pelvic lymph node dissection; PALNS: para-aortic lymph node sampling. Data are shown as mean ± SD or as number (percentage).