Research Article

Antifungal Activity of Aqueous Extracts of Some Dominant Algerian Medicinal Plants

Table 1

Effects of 10% and 20% concentrations of aqueous extracts of different plants on growth of Fusarium graminearum and F. sporotrichioides.

TreatmentMycelia Diameter (mm)Means
F. graminearumF. sporotrichioides

Control0.0%58  ±  0.2860  ±  0.0059
Artemisia herba alba10.0%42  ±  0.5748.16  ±  0.4445.08
20.0%35  ±  0.5047  ±  0.5741
Cotula cinerea10.0%43.66  ±  0.5754  ±  0.5748.83
20.0%39  ±  0.5750  ±  0.5744.5
Asphodelus tenuifolius10.0%25  ±  0.5739  ±  0.5732
20.0%23  ±  0.5737  ±  0.5730
Euphorbia guyoniana10.0%47.85  ±  0.0039.3  ±  0.3343.57
20.0%35.23  ±  0.227.3  ±  0.8831.26

Data reported are the mean diameters expressed in mm, including the inoculation discs of 5 mm. Values are presented as mean ± SEM. Different letters indicate significant differences (LSD test; ).