Research Article

Breast Density and Breast Cancer Incidence in the Lebanese Population: Results from a Retrospective Multicenter Study

Table 4

Comparison between the four categories of breast density by clinical characteristics (,049).

Breast density category value test

MenopauseFisher: <0.001

Breastfeeding: 0.181, Fisher: 0.176

ParityFisher: <0.001

Parity cut-offFisher: <0.001

HRT in postmenopausal womenFisher: 0.829

Breast cancerFisher: 0.567

Family history of breast cancerFisher: 0.124

Risk assessment of breast cancerFisher: 0.293

BI-RADS final report classification Fisher: 0.056

Screening type statisticsNo dense breast (, %)Dense breast (, %): 0.634
 Categories 0, 3, 4, 59645.7%11454.3%
 Categories 1, 239847.6%43952.4%

Diagnostic type statisticsNo dense breast (, %)Dense breast (, %)Fisher: 0.962
 Categories 4, 52047.6%2252.4%
 Categories 1, 2, 347147.2%52652.8%

0 versus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5No dense breast (, %)Dense breast (, %)Fisher: 0.729
 Categories 0337.5%562.5%
 Categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 549147.3%54852.7%

level set at 5%.