Clinical Study

Medical and Interventional Therapy for Spontaneous Vertebral Artery Dissection in the Craniocervical Segment

Table 2

Summary of characteristics of the 6 patients with SVAD treated conservatively.

PatientSexAgeHTFHSDMSigns/symptomsSVAD locationVA dominanceDevel of con-VANIHSSmRSFollow-up (months)

1f37N/HV3(L)/DoVA(−)0 030

N: nystagmus; T: tinnitus; H: headache; P: neck pain; m: male; f: female; SVAD: spontaneous vertebral artery dissection; VA: vertebral artery; Devel of con-VA: development of contralateral vertebral artery distal to the orifice of PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery); NIHSS: National Institute of Health stroke scale; mRS: modified Rankin score; V3: the third segment of vertebral artery; V2: the second segment of vertebral artery; L: left; R: right; DoVA(−): dissection on the nondominant vertebral artery; HT: hypertension; FHS: family history of stroke; DM: diabetes mellitus.