Clinical Study

In-Hospital Outcomes and Long-Term Follow-Up after Percutaneous Transcatheter Closure of Postinfarction Ventricular Septal Defects

Table 2

Procedural parameters.

(n = 11)
(n = 4)
P value

Time from AMI to procedure, days<0.001

Vessels with CAD, n (%)
 13 (27. 27)0 (0.00)
 27 (63.63)3 (75.00)0.593
 31 (9.10)1 (25.00)0.476

PCI performed20

Immediate reduction in shunting, n (%)
 No reduction0
 Partial reduction30
 Complete closure, n (%)8 (72.72)1 (25.00)0.143

Mean values (standard deviation) and total number (percentage) are given for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. CAD: coronary artery disease; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; AMI: acute myocardial infarction; Qp/Qs: pulmonary/systemic flow ratio.