Clinical Study

A Comparison of the Device-Related Complications of Intramedullary Lengthening Nails Using a New Classification System

Table 1

Descriptive statistics for the patients along nailing machine groups.

Demographic variablesISKD

Number of patients191823
Age (years)28 ± 829 ± 729 ± 6
Sex (male : female)20 : 515 : 317 : 6
Preoperative height (cm)154 ± 6161 ± 7159 ± 6
Body mass index (kg/cm2)22 ± 323 ± 322 ± 4
Smoking history (yes : no)9 : 265 : 297 : 33
Final length gain (mm)48 ± 849 ± 851 ± 7
Bones lengthened (femur : tibia)26 : 928 : 634 : 12
Duration of follow-up (months)48 ± 618 ± 415 ± 5

Note. Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation or as a ratio.