Review Article

Hydrocephalus after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Table 1

Comparison among dominant treatment methods.

Lamina terminalis fenestration (LTF)Ventricle-peritoneal shunting (VPS)Lumbar-peritoneal shunting (LPS)

Advantages(1) Less injuries;
(2) no implanted materials and less related(1) Higher availability;
  complications;   (2) more beneficial outcome
(3) conform to normal CSF dynamics;
(4) milder fluctuation of ICP

IndicationPreferred for obstructive HCP, especially for those with mesencephalic aqueduct obstructedCommunicating HCP; some obstructive patientsOnly for communicating HCP ≥ 2-year-old

Common complicationsCSF leakage, meningitis, bleeding, basal artery injury, hypothalamic damage, epilepsyDevice fault, infection, excessive shunt, intracranial hypotension, slit ventricles, subdural hematoma or hydrops, displacement, visceral injury, epilepsy