Research Article

Body Posture Asymmetry in Prematurely Born Children at Six Years of Age

Table 3

Body posture parameters in standing and in sitting position, relative to gestational age at birth, in girls.

Variables Girls
  preterm group ()
  control group ()

Standing position
CIT [degree]
DHS [mm]6.164.505.584.672.804.180.970.330
DHCS [mm]5.555.603.775.664.504.350.200.841
DDCS [mm]5.935.104.644.132.804.141.880.060
DHP [mm]2.371.702.093.022.802.250.311
AS [mm]4.824.502.295.474.903.430.696

Sitting position
CIT [degree]1.651.601.131.431.201.160.680.500
DHS [mm]4.623.904.474.803.304.610.841
DHCS [mm]5.775.004.224.524.503.980.285
DDCS [mm]5.794.654.416.596.804.540.531
DHP [mm]2.712.202.263.793.303.100.261
AS [mm]6.466.103.026.605.603.430.882

: number of observations; : arithmetic mean; Me: median; SD: standard deviation; : result of Student’s -test for independent variables; : result of Mann–Whitney test; : level of probability; CIT [degree]: coronal inclination of the trunk; DHS [mm]: difference in the heights of shoulders; DHCS [mm]: difference in the heights of the lower corners of the scapulae; DDCS [mm]: difference in the distances from the lower corners of the scapulae to the spine; DHP [mm]: difference in the height of the pelvis; SA [mm]: maximum deflection of the line connecting the spinous processes from C7-S1 line.