Research Article

Acute Asthma in the Pediatric Emergency Department: Infections Are the Main Triggers of Exacerbations

Table 1

Classification of asthma severity according to the guidelines of the Italian Society of Pediatrics [8]. Normal values for respiratory rate: <2 months: <60 apm; 2–12 months: <50 apm; 1–5 yrs: <40 apm; 6–9 years: <30 apm; 10–14 yrs: <20 apm. Normal values for heart rate: 0–12 months: <160 bpm; 1-2 yrs: <120 bpm; 2–8 yrs: <110 bpm. Not all signs are needed for defining the severity of an exacerbation. apm: acts per minute; bpm: beats per minute; PEF: peak expiratory flow; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in the 1st second; SaO2: arterial oxygen saturation; PaCO2: partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood.


TalkAble to conversePhrasesWordsNone
Respiratory rateNormalIncreasedIncreasedBradypnea/gasping
Level of consciousnessNormalAgitationAgitationConfusion/drowsiness
WheezingEnd of expirationExpirationExpiration/inspirationAbsent
Use of accessory muscles of respirationAbsentModerateRemarkableParadoxical breathing
Heart rateNormalIncreasedIncreasedIncreased/bradycardia
PEF-FEV1 (% of predicted or personal best)>80%60–80%<60%Nonexecutable
SpO2 (room air)>95%92–95%<92%<90%
PaCO2 (mmHg)<3838–42>42>42