Research Article

Clinical Results of Minimally Invasive Spine Stabilization for the Management of Metastatic Spinal Tumors Based on the Epidural Spinal Cord Compression Scale

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of group A (ESCCS 0,1,2) and group B (ESCCS 3).

CharacteristicGroup A
Group B
P value

Age at surgery, mean (SD), years69.9 (8.1)63.4 (15.1)0.07

Sex, n (%)Male11 (32.4)2 (9.1)0.04
Female23 (67.6)20 (90.9)

Metastatic tumor diagnosis, n (%)Lung10 (29.4)2 (13.6)0.23
Prostate2 (5.9)5 (22.7)
Liver5 (14.7)5 (22.7)
Gastric1 (2.9)2 (9.1)
Kidney4 (11.8)0
Breast02 (9.1)
Thyroid2 (5.9)1 (4.5)
Others9 (26.4)5 (22.7)
Unknown1 (8.3)0

Main spinal level of compression, n (%)Thoracic15 (44.1)7 (31.8)0.35
Lumbar19 (55.9)15 (68.2)

Preoperative ASIA classification, n (%)A01 (4.5)0.49
B1 (2.9)1 (4.5)
C6 (17.6)6 (27.3)
D20 (58.8)12 (54.5)
E7 (20.6)2 (9.1)

Revised Tokuhashi score, n (%)0-826 (76.5)16 (72.7)0.92
9-117 (20.6)5 (22.7)
12-151 (2.9)1 (4.5)

Spinal instability neoplastic score, n (%)0-63 (8.8)1 (4.5)0.28
7-1230 (88.2)18 (81.8)
13-181 (2.9)3 (13.6)

Epidural spinal cord compression scale, n (%)03 (8.8)0<0.001
1a4 (11.8)0
1b1 (2.9)0
1c3 (8.8)0
223 (67.6)0
3022 (100)

Preoperative visual analogue scale, mean (SD)5.5 (2.1)6.1 (2.3)0.35

Preoperative Barthel index, mean (SD)67.7 (30.8)50.0 (38.3)0.07

ASA physical status classification, n (%)12 (5.9)2 (9.1)0.76
227 (79.4)18 (81.8)
35 (14.7)2 (9.1)

Type of surgery, n (%)Scheduled32 (94.1)19 (86.4)0.40
Urgent2 (5.9)1 (4.5)
Emergency02 (9.1)

ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists.