Research Article

Comparisons of Jaw Line and Face Line after Mandibular Setback: Intraoral Vertical Ramus versus Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomies

Figure 1

Cephalometric landmarks, linear and angular measurements. N: nasion, S: sella, Po: porion, Or: orbitale, Pog: pogonion, Me: menton, SIG: sigmoid notch, Ag: antegonial notch, Go: gonion, Co: condylion, and RP: the posteriormost and inferiormost points of the ramus. x-axis (horizontal line: 7° to NS line), y-axis (vertical line through S). FH plane: a line connecting Po to Or. Pterygomasseteric sling (PMS) plane: a line through Ag point 65° to FH plane. Red arrow (angle): 1: mandibular plane angle; 2: ramus angle; 3: gonial angle. Green lines (distances): 4: ramus width; 5: gonial width.