Research Article

Antioxidant Enzyme Activities and Secondary Metabolite Profiling of Oil Palm Seedlings Treated with Combination of NPK Fertilizers Infected with Ganoderma boninense

Table 1

Fertilizer treatment levels for healthy and (+G) seedlings inoculated with G. boninense.

T1 = seedling treated with (N low) + BF
T2 = seedling treated with (N high) + BF
T3 = seedling treated with (P low) + BF
T4 = seedling treated with (P high) + BF
T5 = seedling treated with (K low) + BF
T6 = seedling treated with (K high) + BF
T7 = seedling treated with N1P1K1 (N low, P low, K low) + BF
T8 = seedling treated with N2P2K2 (N optimum, P optimum, K optimum) + BF
T9 = seedling treated with N3P3K3 (N high, P high, K high) + BF
T10 = seedling treated with compound fertilizer (CF)

Note. and K optimum, and K optimum, and P optimum. All treatments with BF = basic fertilizer 2% MgO (source from kieserite) + micronutrients (TE). In the common commercial name (CF), where N stands for % N (12%), P % for P2O5 (12%), K for % K2O (17%), and Mg for % MgO (2%) + TE.