Research Article

Clinical Profile and Outcome of Patients with Acute Kidney Injury Requiring Hemodialysis: Two Years’ Experience at a Tertiary Hospital in Rwanda

Table 1

Selected demographics, clinical characteristics, and laboratory parameters of study participants.

VariableFrequency or median ()Percent (%) or IQR

 25 and younger1720.8
 65 and above89.8
Vital signs
Blood pressure
  Mild HTN1821.9
  Moderate HTN1113.4
  Severe HTN1923.2
Laboratory tests
Serum potassium
  Mild hyperkalemia1012.2
  Severe hyperkalemia3340.2
 Serum creatinine (mg/dl)10.16.2–15.7
 Serum urea (mmol/L)3321–50

Hypotension: BP < 90/60 mmHg; normal BP: 91/61–139/89 mmHg; mild hypertension: 140/90–159/99 mmHg; moderate hypertension: 160/100–179/109 mmHg; severe hypertension: >180/110 mmHg; mild hyperkalemia: 5.6–6.59 mmol/L; severe hyperkalemia: above 6.6 mmol/L; : number of subjects; IQR: interquartile range; OB-GYN: obstetrics and gynecology; ICU: intensive care unit; A&E: accident and emergency; HTN: hypertension.