Research Article

Impact of Intra-Abdominal Adhesion on Dialysis Outcome in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients

Table 1

Comparisons of the baseline characteristics of PD patients with and without subsequent IAA after catheter insertion at presentation.

With subsequent IAAa Without subsequent IAAa Total p-value
(mean ± SD) (mean ± SD)

Patients [n (%)] 38 (18.8%) 164 (81.2%) 202
Gender (female) 28 (84.89%) 81 (54.36%) 109 (51.2%) 0.007
Age (years) 55.4±15.549.3±14.050.7±15.30.018
Postoperative follow up (years) 2.9±1.02.7±1.2 2.8±1.20.364
Overall 1- & 2-year catheter survival 90%  & 79% 96%  & 86% 95%  & 85% 0.173
Peritonitis [n (%)] 19 (50.0%) 55 (27.2%) 74 (36.6%) 0.058
Admission [n (%)] 21 (55.3%) 83 (50.6%) 104 (51.5%) 0.062

IAA: intra-abdominal adhesions.
  =  Baseline characteristics between two patient groups at presentation were compared by way of independent t-test.
= Intra-abdominal adhesions.