Research Article

Standardized Duplex Ultrasound-Based Protocol for Early Diagnosis of Transplant Renal Artery Stenosis: Results of a Single-Institution Retrospective Cohort Study

Table 5

Comparison of ΔSPV, ΔRI, ΔSBP, ΔDBP, and ΔeGFR values among the TRAS-patients at different time periods from renal transplantation. TRAS = transplant renal artery stenosis; SPV = systolic peak velocity; RI = resistive indexes.

Time to TRAS treatment value
<3 months
3–12 months
>12 months

Δ systolic peak velocity (SPV) at the level of TRAS (poststent SPV − prestent SPV)  
(ml/min) (median, IQR)
−1,5 (−1,7; −0,7)−1,6 (−1,9 −1,1)−1,5 (−1,8; −1,2)0,9

Δ resistive index (RI) at parenchymal level (poststent RI − prestent RI)  
() (median, IQR)
0,0 (−0,01; 0,09)0,06 (0,00–0,12)0,3 (0,01–0,08)0,5

Δ mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) (poststent SBP − prestent SBP)  
(mmHg) (median, IQR)
−10,0 (−20,0; 0,0)−10,0 (−40,0; 0,0)−12,0 (−34; 2,0)0,4

Δ mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (poststent DBP − prestent DBP)  
(mmHg) (median, IQR)
0,0 (−10; 5,0)−10,0 (−20,0; 5,0)5,0 (−14; 8,0)0,3

Δ mean eGFR (poststent − prestent) (ml/min/m2)  
(median, IQR)
8,5 (−1,0; 25)5,0 (−8,0; 16,0)6,5 (−2; 18)0,4