Research Article

Optimal Condition to Create Femoral Tunnel Considering Combined Influence of Knee Flexion and Transverse Drill Angle in Anatomical Single-Bundle ACL Reconstruction Using Medial Portal Technique: 3D Simulation Study

Table 3

Comparison of the proportions of femoral tunnel wall breakage in each setting.

Flexion angleTransverse drill angle

100°13 (43.3%)20 (66.7%)30 (100%)<.001
110°4 (13.3%)9 (30.0%)26 (86.7%)<.001
120°0 (0%)0 (0%)7 (23.3%)0.001
130°0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)-

MTA: maximum transverse drill angle without coming into contact with the medial condyle cartilage.
The values are given as cases with proportion in parentheses.
-value for comparison between different transverse drill angles of MTA to MTA-20° in condition of fixed flexion angle.
-value for comparison between different flexion angles of 100° to 130° in condition of fixed transverse drill angle.