Research Article

Analysis of the Cancer Genome Atlas Data Reveals Novel Putative ncRNAs Targets in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Figure 3

Representative network of the negative Spearman correlation of ncRNAs and putative affected target interactions and Gene Ontology Biological Processes. (a) Representative network of Spearman’s negative correlation. Each edge represents an r < -0.8 and p value <0.05. Light blue: downregulated miRNAs in TP samples. Red: upregulated pre-miRNAs in TP samples. Light red: downregulated pre-miRNAs in TP samples. Purple: upregulated lncRNAs in TP samples. Light purple: downregulated lncRNAs in TP samples. Dark gray: upregulated heterogeneous RNAs in TP samples. Light gray: downregulated heterogeneous RNAs in TP samples. Nodes’ size represents the degree of connectivity. (b) Gene Ontology Biological Processes with statistically significant (FDR < 0.05) representation. The name of the proteins enriching each process is inside the respective piece of the pie plot.