Research Article

Wound Dehiscence after Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty in Children with Anorectal Malformations

Table 3

Demographical factors for wound dehiscence in 90 patients reconstructed with PSARP, limited PSARP, or PSARVUP.

Wound dehiscenceNo wound dehiscenceP value

Gender female11 (39)26 (42)1
SGA n=80∗∗∗7 (28)16 (29)0.92
Cardiac malformation n=84∗∗∗9 (33)19 (33)1
VACTERL association6 (21)18 (29)0.608
Weight at surgery (g) n=62∗∗∗380050000.327∗∗
Colostomy11 (39)39 (63)0.043

Values presented as the absolute number and percentage of patients, n (%), and as median (min–max); PSARP: posterior sagittal anorectoplasty, PSARVUP: posterior sagittal anorectal vaginal urethroplasty; SGA: small for gestational age; Fisher’s exact test two-tailed, ∗∗Mann-Whitney U-test two-tailed; ∗∗∗number of patients with available data.