Review Article

Expression and Regulation Profile of Mature MicroRNA in the Pig: Relevance to Xenotransplantation

Table 1

miRNAs in pig skeletal muscle.


miR-1aHDAC4It promotes myogenesis during embryonic development and muscle cell differentiation[1822]

miR-133SRFIt enhances the proliferation of myoblasts[1922]

miR-27bIt is involved in myogenic differentiation, fast-specific and glucocorticoid-dependent myostatin expression[2325]

miR-148aROCK1A novel myogenic miRNA that mediates myogenic differentiation[26]

miR-143It controls performance of different fiber types[27, 28]

miR-378BMP2A candidate for myogenesis[29, 30]

miR-128It regulates adipogenesis, osteogenesis, and myogenesis[31]

miR-126It attenuates insulin signaling and governs vascular integrity and angiogenesis[32, 33]

miR-92aIt regulates skeletal muscle growth[28]

miR-127It regulates the callipyge muscular hypertrophy phenotype[34, 35]

miR-10bIt regulates myogenesis and muscle development[34, 36]

let-7 familyKey miRNA regulators of development[37, 38]

miR-103It is involved in cellular Acetyl-CoA and lipid levels[20, 39]

miR-23PGC-1αIt affects the ratio of oxidative red muscle and oxidative white muscle fibers[20, 40, 41]

miR-181Hox-A11It is barely detectable in resting muscle and
establishes the muscle phenotype
[42, 43]

miR-206Cx43It is only highly expressed in newly formed muscle fibers and promotes myoblast differentiation and development[25, 44, 45]

miR-486It is expressed postnatally,
acts as an inhibitor of myogenesis

miR-376bexpressed prenatally, and
plays a role in promotion of myogenesis

miR-363 miR-365 miR-422bThey are differentially expressed between 33 days postgestation and adult life, long-term regulation of muscle growth and development[9]