Research Article

In Vivo Evaluation of Short-Term Performance of New Three-Layer Collagen-Based Vascular Graft Designed for Low-Flow Peripheral Vascular Reconstructions

Table 2

Animals, operative procedures, patency, and gross and microscopic evaluation of the explanted grafts.

NumberSideAnastomosisGraft length (mm)Flow, initial (ml/min)Flow after sling (ml/min)Sling locationFlow, (ml/min)


(2)dxETE45230120Inflow ACC130

(3)dxETE4016070Prox. and dist. end of the graft160
sinETS35160-ACC closed by ligature140

(4)dxETS65250100ACC closed by ligature + sling in the outflow ACC0

(5)dxETS60340120ACC closed by ligature + sling in the outflow ACC168

(6)dxETE60220250Sling in the outflow ACC160

(7)dxETS50240145ACC closed by 2 ligatures + sling in the outflow ACC170
sinETE60425-ACC closed by 2 ligatures237

implanted due to technical complications with the prosthesis; explantation. ACC: common carotid artery; ETE: end-to-end anastomosis; ETS: end-to-side anastomosis; dx: right; sin: left.