Review Article

Searching for Clinically Relevant Biomarkers in Geriatric Oncology

Table 1

Candidate disease biomarkers in oncogeriatrics.

Biological processCandidate disease biomarkersRefs

DNA damage (upstream)Gamma-H2AX, 53BP1, MDC1[21, 32]

DNA damage induced alterations in tissue composition
(e.g., immune system)
Decreased production of naïve lymphocytes with a concomitant increase of myeloid cell lineages[16, 21, 32]

Senescence inductionp21, p16, and SA-beta-GAL[21, 33]

Senescence-associated secretory alterationsG-SCF, IL-6, IL-8, GRO (a, b, g), IL-7, ICAM-1[21, 32, 34, 35]

Telomere dysfunctionTelomere shortening, altered expression of proteins of the shelterin, anaphase bridges, and chromosomal imbalances[21, 3638]