Research Article

Association between Resting Heart Rate and Health-Related Physical Fitness in Brazilian Adolescents

Table 2

Relationship between resting heart rate and health-related physical fitness components in adolescents.

VariableCrude AnalysisAdjusted AnalysisCohen’s f2
ßa (95%CI)pR2ßa (95CI)pR2(df = 5)

Aerobic fitness-0.09(-0.11; -0.07)<0.010.15-0.11(-0.14; -0.08)<
Handgrip strength-0.13(-0.20; -0.06)<0.010.02-0.10(-0.18; -0.01)
Sit-and-reach test-0.15(-0.31; 0.15)0.070.01-0.15(-0.34; 0.03)
Sum of skinfolds0.11(-0.22; 0.24)0.100.01 0.50(0.25; 0.75)<
Aerobic fitness-0.05(-0.08;-0.03)<0.010.04-0.09(-0.12; -0.06)<
Handgrip strength-0.10(-0.20; -0.01)0.020.01-0.04(-0.15; 0.05)0.360.040.04
Sit-and-reach test-0.04(-0.17; 0.08)0.470.01-0.05(-0.19; 0.09)0.480.030.03
Sum of skinfolds-0.05(-0.12; 0.01); 2.72)<

a: regression coefficient; b: adjusted analysis by sex, age, physical activity, sexual maturation, and body mass index; R2: determination coefficient; CI: confidence interval; Cohen’s f2:effect size for multiple linear regression; df: degree freedom.