Research Article

Potassium Channel Activation Is Involved in the Cardiovascular Effects Induced by Freeze Dried Syzygium jambolanum (Lam.) DC Fruit Juice

Figure 5

(a) Vasorelaxant effect induced by JSJ (10 - 5000 μg/mL) in rings of the artery mesenteric artery isolated rat without endothelium contracted with Phe (1 μM) (○, n=6) or in contracted with Phe in the presence KCl 20 mM (■) (n=5). (b) Contracted with Phe (1 μM) (○, n=6) or contracted with Phe (1 μM) in the presence of TEA (1 mM) (▲, n=8), TEA (3 mM) (□, n=7) or TEA (5 mM) (▼, n=5). Results were expressed as mean ± SEM.