Research Article

Magnitude of Neural Tube Defects and Associated Risk Factors at Three Teaching Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table 4

Characteristics of neural tube defects, Addis Ababa University teaching hospitals, Ethiopia, February 1 to August 30, 2016 .


Types of NTDs
 Spina bifida4540.5
Time at diagnosis
 At birth1513.5
US scan done for at birth diagnosis
Gestational age at Diagnosis (weeks) Mean = 25 (±8)
Gestational age at Delivery/expulsion (weeks)Mean = 29 (±9) 
 Median = 27.7
Mode of delivery/termination
 Spontaneous vaginal delivery3834.2
 Induced vaginal delivery5852.3
 Cesarean section87.2
 Destructive vaginal delivery76.3
Admission to delivery/expulsion in daysMean = 3.2 (±2.2) 
  Median = 3
 1 day4036.0
 2–4 days4439.6
 ≥5 days2724.3
