Research Article

JC Virus-DNA Detection Is Associated with CD8 Effector Accumulation in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis under Natalizumab Treatment, Independently from JC Virus Serostatus

Figure 4

Immune activation and immune senescence levels of CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes. (a) CD4+ T-lymphocyte immune activation levels were assessed considering the percentages of HLA-DR and CD38 double positive CD4. 0: 1.6%  , 12: 1.6%  , 24: 1.7%  , 36: 2.7%  , and : 2.1  . Statistical analysis was performed using a one-way ANOVA test for nonparametrical data (Kruskal–Wallis, = 0.0099). Dunnett’s posttest was performed comparing each group with 0, and asterisks represent the level of statistical significance. Dashed line represents median value of CD4+ T-lymphocyte immune activation levels observed in healthy donors. (b) CD8+ T-lymphocyte immune activation levels were assessed considering the percentages of HLA-DR and CD38 double positive CD8. 0: 1.5%  , 12: 2.3%  , 24: 2.7%  , 36: 3.6%  , and : 3.0%  . Statistical analysis was performed using a one-way ANOVA test for nonparametrical data (Kruskal–Wallis, = 0.0025). Dunnett’s posttest was performed comparing each group with 0, and asterisks represent the level of statistical significance. Dashed line represents median value of CD8+ T-lymphocyte immune activation levels observed in healthy donors. Immune senescence levels were evaluated for CD4+ (c) and CD8+. (d) T-lymphocytes as the percentages of CD28 negative and CD57 positive cells. No statistical significant differences were found after performing a one-way ANOVA test for nonparametrical data (Kruskal–Wallis). Lines and whiskers represent median values and interquartile ranges, respectively. 0: no infusions, 12: from 1 to 12 infusions, 24: from 13 to 24 infusions, 36: from 25 to 36 infusions, and : over 36 infusions of natalizumab. ; ; ; .