Clinical Study

Digital versus Analog Procedures for the Prosthetic Restoration of Single Implants: A Randomized Controlled Trial with 1 Year of Follow-Up

Figure 9

Test group (digital workflow). (a) The quality of the mesh is verified before milling; (b) the  .STL files are ready to be produced by the milling machines: a 5-axis milling unit is used to mill the zirconia abutment (Roland DWX-50®, Roland Easy Shape, Ascoli Piceno, Italy) whereas a 4-axis milling unit is used to mill the provisional PMMA crown (Roland DWX-4®, Roland Easy Shape, Ascoli Piceno, Italy); (c) the individual hybrid abutment is placed in position; (d) the provisional crown is positioned on the individual abutment and a careful check of the occlusal and interproximal contacts is made before characterization. The provisional crown will remain in situ for 3 months.