Clinical Study

Digital versus Analog Procedures for the Prosthetic Restoration of Single Implants: A Randomized Controlled Trial with 1 Year of Follow-Up

Table 4

Patient satisfaction in the two different groups (digital versus analog treatment).

Mean VASp value

(1 ) Are you satisfied with the treatment?90 (±10)87.2 (±11)0.35

(2) Did you experience discomfort during the impression taking? 96.8 (±4.7)72.8 (±18.6)<.0001

(3) Did you experience gag reflex/nausea during the impression taking?97.2 (±5.4)84 (±21.7)0.007

(4) How comfortable was the impression procedure? 97.6 (±4.3)69.2 (±13.8)<.0001

(5) Do your implant-supported restoration function well?96.4 (±4.9)93.6 (±8.1)0.15

(6) Do you feel secure biting on your restoration?92.8 (±7.9)92.4 (±8.3)0.86

(7) Are you pleased with the final aesthetic result?93.2 (±8.0)92 (±7.6)0.59

(8) Is the treatment time justified?97.2 (±7.3)81.2 (±11.3)<.0001

(9) is the treatment cost justified?82.4 (±13)73.2 (±11.8)0.01

(10) Would you repeat this treatment, if necessary?91.2 (±8.8)90.4 (±7.3)0.73

Overall mean VAS93.5 (±3.3)83.6 (±4.0)<.0001

= Student’s t-test for independent samples, using Satterthwaite method in case of unequal group variances.