Research Article

Emotional Availability, Neuropsychological Functioning, and Psychopathology: The Context of Parental Substance Use Disorder

Table 6

Correlations among measures of neuropsychological functioning and psychopathology.


Executive functions .145 .065 .175 .186 .117 .060 .176 .109 .206 .210 .183 .176
TMTB .227 .224 .030 .143 .094 .080 .225 .105 .080 .179 .084 .119
Cog-Est−.093−.088−.022 .003−.111−.110−.136−.216−.122−.126−.040−.174
Ab-Reas−.036−.183 .074 .017−.017−.105−.244−.047−.133−.098 .044−.127
Ph-Fl .106 .145 .073 .098 .216 .030−.061−.093 .019 .079 .110 .095
Cl-Dr−.199−.141 .038 .028−.047−.099−.064−.174−.056−.112 .007−.133
Ov-Fig−.129−.199−.207−.223−.171−.309 −.280−.257 −.273 −.291−.204−.213
GCI−.229−.211−.084−.160−.180−.185 −.325−.227−.250 −.272−.125−.243

TMTB = trail making test-B, Cog-Est = cognitive estimation, Ab-Reas = abstract reasoning, Ph-Fl = phonemic fluency, Cl-Dr = clock drawing, Ov-Fig = overlapping figures, GCI = Global Cognitive Index, Som = somatization, OC = obsessive-compulsive, IS = interpersonal sensitivity, Dep = depression, Anx = anxiety, Hos = hostility, Phob = phobic anxiety, Par = paranoid ideation, Psy = psychoticism, GSI = Global Severity Index, PST = Positive Symptom Total, and PSDI = Positive Symptom Distress Index. is significant at the 0.05 levels (two-tailed).