Research Article

Acupuncture Rescues Cognitive Impairment and Upregulates Dopamine--Hydroxylase Expression in Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion Rats

Figure 3

Acupuncture rescues long-term-potentiation deficits induced by 2VO. Sham: sham-operated group, 2VO + Acu: 2VO + acupuncture group, 2VO + Pla-acu: 2VO + placebo-acupuncture group. (a) 2VO (colorless circles) decreased long-term-potentiation (LTP) induced by high frequency stimulation (HFS, arrow) in the perforant path-dentate gyrus (PP-DG) area versus those of Sham rats (black circles). (b) Acupuncture (red circles) increased PP-DG LTP induced by HFS versus those of 2VO rats. (c) Placebo-acupuncture (gray circles) did not enhance LTP of VD rats. (d) The histogram showing the level of LTP during 60 min after HFS. (n = 6 rats for each group.) (: P<0.05,: P<0.001, compared as indicated.) Inset traces are sample traces recorded before (black) and after (red) HFS. Horizontal bar: 5 ms; vertical bar: 5 mV.