Research Article

Mammographic Breast Density and Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes: The Kenyan-African Aspect

Table 1

Select characteristics of breast cancer patients with pretreatment diagnostic mammograms, Aga Khan University Hospital, Kenya, 2014-2015.

Clinical characteristicOverall ()ER-positive ER-negative

 <50 years483937411133
 ≥50 years756153592267
 Mean (years), SD54 (11)53 (11)57 (12)
 Median (range)54 (27-83)54 (27-81)54 (39-83)
Menopausal status
BMI category
 Mean (kg/m2), SD29 (4.8)29 (4.7)28 (5.3)
 Median (range)28 (18-46.8)28 (19-45.6)28 (18-46.8)
 Invasive ductal1058577862885
Tumor size
 <3 cm53434449927
 ≥3 cm584739431958
 Mean (cm), SD3.3 (1.8)3.3 (1.8)3.4 (1.9)
 Median (range)3 (0.5-10)2.7 (1-10)3 (0.5-8)
Tumor grade
 Grade 11411131413
 Grade 257465157618
 Grade 3494025282473
Nodal status
PR status
HER2 status
TNBC status

BMI: body mass index; ER: estrogen receptor; HER2: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; PR: progesterone receptor; TNBC: triple negative breast cancer.