Clinical Study

The Efficacy of Programmed Intermittent Epidural Bolus for Postoperative Analgesia after Open Gynecological Surgery: A Randomized Double-Blinded Study

Table 3

Postoperative complications in the programmed intermittent epidural bolus (PIEB) and continuous epidural infusion (CEI) groups (intention-to-treat analysis).

VariablePIEB group CEI group P value

3 hours
 Postoperative nausea and/or vomiting14190.236
 Sensory and/or motor block110.980
24 hours
 Postoperative nausea and/or vomiting8130.200
 Sensory and/or motor block001.000
48 hours
 Postoperative nausea and/or vomiting390.050
 Sensory and/or motor block001.000

All data are presented as total numbers; CEI: continuous epidural infusion; PIEB: programmed intermittent epidural bolus.