Research Article

Geminin Orchestrates Somite Formation by Regulating Fgf8 and Notch Signaling

Figure 4

Geminin positively regulates the transcription of Mib1 by associating with the intron 3 of Mib1. (a, b) Partial intron 3 of Mib1 was identified to be associated with geminin by ChIP cloning experiment (a). Luciferase report analysis revealed that the partial intron 3 of Mib1 works as enhancer to regulate Mib transcription (b, line 2), and geminin positively regulates the transcription of Mib1 (b, line 3 and line 4). (c) To compare with the expression of mib1 in control (c, upside, 87.8%, n=41), mib1 was downregulated in geminin morphants (c, downside, 84.8%, n=46). (d-g) Comparing with that in control (d, f, 82.8%, n=34,) the activity of Notch signaling was downregulated greatly in Mib morphants (e.g., 84.4%, n=32), showing decreased expression of her4 in the PSM, tail bud, the forming somite (e), and midline (g). Bar, 100μM.