Research Article

Association of Antibiotic Resistance, Cell Adherence, and Biofilm Production with the Endemicity of Nosocomial Klebsiella pneumoniae

Figure 3

HeLa cell adherence phenotypes exhibited by K. pneumoniae strains. The collection of K. pneumoniae strains was tested for adherence to HeLa cells and we identified 3 levels of adherence: high, moderate, and poor. These micrographs were obtained after staining of the infected monolayers with Giemsa solution and visualize using light microscopy. Images were taken at 63X. (a) K. pneumoniae 232/01 (clone 47) showing high level of cell adherence with bacterial aggregates between neighboring cells. (b) K. pneumoniae 821 (clone 9) adheres moderately to the cells and (c) K. pneumoniae 373 (clone 4) adheres poorly.