Research Article

Characterization of Detailed Audiological Features of Cytomegalovirus Infection: A Composite Cohort Study from Groups with Distinct Demographics

Table 2

Characteristics of hearing loss observed in patients with cCMV-related SNHL (Group 1).

CaseNBHSSexLateralitySeverityOnsetInitial ABR (dB)Follow-up
ABR or Audio (dB)
OAEProgressionAntiviral therapyPreterm birth

1-3ReferMBilateralSevereCong.R)NR, L)70Abnl.N/ANot doneNo
1-4PassMUnilateralMild2 mo.R)25, L)35R)15, L)12Abnl.ImprovedDoneNo
1-5PassFBilateralModerate7 mo.R)55, L)30B)35Abnl.ImprovedDoneNo
1-6ReferFUnilateralSevereCong.R)25, L)NRR)25, L)NRAbnl.No changeDoneNo
1-7ReferMUnilateralSevereCong.R)NR, L)20R)NR, L)20Abnl.No changeDoneNo

Abnl: abnormal; Cong.: congenital; NR: no response; mo.: month-old; N/A: not available