Research Article

Peer Inclusion in Interventions for Children with ADHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 1

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DatabaseSearch termsLimitationsResults

Subject headingsCINAHL(MH “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”) AND ((MH “Peer Group”) OR (MH “Peer Counseling”) OR (MH “Peer Review”) OR (MH “Friendship”) OR (MH “Psychotherapy, Group”) OR (MH “Group Processes”) OR (MH “Support Groups”) OR (MH “Role Playing”) OR (MH “Play Therapy”) OR (MH “Camps”) OR (MH “Social Skills Training”) OR (MH “Social Skills”) OR (MH “Communication Skills Training”) OR (MH “Students, High School”) OR (MH “Schools, Middle”) OR (MH “Schools, Special”) OR (MH “Schools, Secondary”) OR (MH “Schools, Elementary”) OR (MH “Social Behavior”))Age: child, preschool: 2–5 years; child: 6–12 years; adolescent: 13–18 years280
Embase(Attention deficit disorder/) AND (peer rejection/OR “peer review”/OR peer acceptance/or peer counseling/OR peer group/OR friendship/OR play/OR play therapy/OR group therapy/OR social adaptation/OR social behavior/OR social interaction/)Age: preschool child <1 to 6 years>; school child <7 to 12 years>; adolescent <13 to 17 years> 
Language: English;
Medline(attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity/) AND (Friends/OR Psychotherapy, Group/OR play therapy/OR social behavior/)Age: preschool child (2 to 5 years); child (6 to 12 years); adolescent (13 to 18 years)
Language: English
PsycINFO(DE “Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity”) AND (DE (“peer counselling”) OR DE (“peer tutoring”) or DE (“peers”) OR DE (“peer evaluation”) OR DE (“friendship”) OR DE (“group intervention”) OR DE (“group participation”) OR DE (“group psychotherapy”) OR DE (“group dynamics”) OR DE (“group cohesion”) OR DE (“group participation”) OR DE (“childhood play behavior”) OR DE (“childhood play development”) OR DE (“play therapy”) OR DE (“therapeutic camps”) OR DE (“school based intervention”) OR DE (“psychosocial development”) OR DE (“psychosocial factors”) OR DE (“psychosocial readjustment”) OR DE (“psychosocial rehabilitation”) OR DE (“social skills”) OR DE (“social skills training”) OR DE (“social group work”) OR DE (“social groups”) OR DE (“social integration”) OR DE (“social interaction”) OR DE (“Social behaviour”) OR DE (“group counseling”))Age: preschool age <age 2 to 5 yrs>; school age <age 6 to 12 yrs>; adolescence <age 13 to 17 yrs>737

Free text wordsCINAHL(ADHD OR ADD OR “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”) AND (peer OR friend OR buddy OR buddies OR playmate OR “group intervention” OR “group therap” OR “group role play” OR “play group” OR camp OR stp OR “play-based” OR psychosocial OR school OR “Social skills” OR “Social behavio”)Published date: 20151101–20161131
Age: child, preschool: 2–5 years; child: 6–12 years; adolescent: 13–18 years
EmbaseAs per CINAHL Free TextLast year
Age: preschool child <1 to 6 years>; school child <7 to 12 years>; adolescent <13 to 17 years> 
Field: Title and or Abstract
MedlineAs per CINAHL Free TextPublished date: 2016 - Current
Age: preschool child (2 to 5 years); child (6 to 12 years); adolescent (13 to 18 years)
PSYCINFOAs per CINAHL Free TextPublished date: 20151101–20161131
Age: preschool age <age 2 to 5 yrs>; school age <age 6 to 12 yrs>; adolescence <age 13 to 17 yrs>
Field: Title and or Abstract