Research Article

Melatonin Modulation of Sirtuin-1 Attenuates Liver Injury in a Hypercholesterolemic Mouse Model

Figure 4

Photomicrographs of liver immunohistochemical analysis of iNOS (a–d) and of liver double immunofluorescence analysis of SOD1 (green staining) and CAT (red staining) (e–h) of ApoE−/− of 6 w (a, e), ApoE−/− of 15 w (b, f), control (c, g), and ApoE−/− + MEL (d, h). Bar: 20 μm. v: central vein. The graphs summarized the iNOS (i), SOD1 (j), and CAT (k) histomorphometrical analysis. versus ApoE−/− of 6 w and versus ApoE−/− of 15 w.